Pokemon diamond download for pc
Pokemon diamond download for pc

pokemon diamond download for pc

The Lampgela known as Noisy in Power and Speed is exempt from the "shortened form of species' name" pattern, as it is nicknamed "o" in Diamond and Jade.

pokemon diamond download for pc

Denjuu cannot be nicknamed manually they are auto-nicknamed, usually to shortened forms of their species' names, using the six-character limit already present in the original games.The player cannot input their own name for the protagonist, who is officially known as "Shigeki" the protagonist is automatically named "Bek".Rapidly pressing B in the phone menu sometimes crashes the game.Pressing any button after the Game Over screen crashes the game.

pokemon diamond download for pc

  • Selecting "Prop" when there are no items crashes the game.
  • Dialing secret numbers crashes the game.
  • The reset routine is implemented by the cartridges themselves given that the bootlegs instead crash, this routine was likely damaged in the translation process.
  • Pressing A+B+Select+Start simultaneously crashes the game, whereas on most Game Boy or GBC games this produces a soft reset.
  • This method is very simple with the original Game Boy cartridge version that says "GAME" at the top, as it has a Philips screw and a slot for the battery to easily slide in. In the case of a cartridge, this can be fixed by unscrewing the back, and carefully replacing the CR2032 battery. Via emulation, one can load a saved file from Diamond in Power or a saved file from Jade in Speed the saved file will work correctly aside from the names of all befriended Denjuu being glitched. The data is actually saved properly, but these bootlegs are simply unable to load it.
  • Depending on the emulator, ROM or cartridge, selecting "Contin" when saved data is present will either freeze the games or cause them to act as if said data is absent.
  • Much like many other bootlegs, these games are riddled with glitches: Nevertheless, copies still spring up from time to time. Thanks to their infamy, copies of Pokémon Diamond and Jade were once easily available on auction sites like eBay, but have since been banned. Similarly, the character Kai is interchangeably called Boundary, Ken, and Kate. While some of these are slight changes, like Crypto being renamed Kuribute others are more drastic and inexplicable, like Easydog, Chameraid and Fungmachine being renamed Hat, Ice Cream, and Game Boy respectively. Many characters and Denjuu also had their names changed. These bootlegs are best known for their extremely poor translation, which turns every bit of text into incomprehensible Engrish phrases like "Well, have you had curry?", among many others. A battle in Pokémon Diamond showcasing the poor grammar.

    Pokemon diamond download for pc